A big fat F

I’m reading “The Shallows” right now (thank you Matt, my local independent bookseller, for another eye-opening tome). It addresses how the Internet is changing our brains. Did you know that you read differently online? Eye-tracking studies have shown that the vast majority of people read the first two or three full lines of text on a web page,

and then





a few



Then they may once again scan about halfway across the page

for a couple more lines, before finally letting their eyes continue






to the


Their eyes


a “F”


(“F” for Fail?)

Avg. time on ANY page?

19-27 seconds.


2 thoughts on “A big fat F

  1. Oh ye of little faith. I typically look for keywords that arouse my interest and, if worthwhile content appears to be present in the text, I invest some time in mining the information being conveyed. Much of that recorded on the net is the equivalent of low grade ore and finding nuggets of gold can be a frustrating search. So, yup, quite a few pages receive scant attention, but guess I’m somewhat addicted to prospecting in the hope, perhaps, of striking the occasional mother lode.

    Will check “The Shallows”.

    Thanks, Mary

    • Hey Les,
      It’s definitely worth a read. Not negative wrt the web, just illuminating. I also tend to read extensively online, and don’t click many links while reading. But apparently that’s not the norm. One thing I really like online is being able to read long form journalism – stories and long essays. I guess we’re atypical. (or maybe just old?) Next post will have to do with running… thanks for coming back!

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