Gydle gets a facelift

The Gydle site is now officially online! Welcome to the new incarnation of your favorite blog. Soon I’ll add other stuff like my translating business, an interactive fiction page and, eventually, the publishing empire in its entirety. But don’t hold your breath. Judging from the time I spent agonizing over the details of the new design, it could be a while.

I mentioned in my last post that I have an increasing need for order in my life. Aside from a few initial frustrations, WordPress is great. For a control freak like me, who loves to go into the HTML and tweak a little thing here and there, it’s heaven. I don’t like software making decisions on my behalf, thank you very much. All the little widgets and plugins and options make me so happy.

I’d love to hear what you think of the new design, so feel free to leave a comment. There’s a little facebook icon on every post, too, so if you think a post is good you can click on it and share my mental perambulations with all your friends. All the old posts are up, and I plan to put up boxes on the right that cycle through various themes from time to time. Above all, nothing is set in stone and the design will surely continue to evolve. Any and all ideas are welcome.

Speaking of evolving, Dave is now back in my good graces after his very tardy Def Con post (man, that was pulling teeth!). He is the genius behind the little red jelly belly symbol that appears in the URL line (it’s called a “flavicon”) and he helped format the banner at the top, a task that involved hours of tweaking a photo I took of my summer batch of jelly bellies. I think I’ll give him a promotion. Not on the editorial staff, mind you, but definitely Chief Geek and Purveyor of Weird and Interesting Ideas.

Fellow writer, designer, and good friend Sue came up with the brilliant banner design. She’ll definitely be Chief Design Goddess for the Gydle Publishing Empire. Aren’t you glad you now know how to pronounce Gydle? Maybe some day I’ll reveal what it means.

What with the blog re-design and a weeklong trip to Holland it’s been a long dry spell on Gydle, and for that I offer my apologies. I’m going to make up for it by posting like crazy for the rest of the month. As soon as I catch up with all the work that piled up during my absence, that is. This Friday there will be a really special post on a completely new subject, so be sure to tune in.

One thought on “Gydle gets a facelift

  1. I love the new layout (and no, I was not forced to say this by the designer), and look forward to many more wonderful posts. Congraulations!

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